Happy 2nd birthday to us!


Wow what a year it’s been! There’s been great highs and real lows. This year has taught me so much and really opened my eyes to what’s possible. There have been days when all I’ve wanted to do is cry and there have been days when I can’t quite believe just how far my little brand and me have come!


Between juggling a full time job and running a business, there have been times when I have questioned the madness of it all. If someone had told me this time last year this is how much Ivy Grey Interiors would have grown I probably would have laughed at them to be honest.

When I first started this business, my only goal was to be able to be to quit work! I’m joking! I wanted to be able to quit my full time job and work for myself!

Somewhere along the way I found that to really build a business it isn’t something you can do alone. We all need help! My whole family has been part of this, they have all played their role. Jack - I don’t know how you do it, thank you, without you this wouldn’t exist. You’ve literally kept me going and wiped away the tears. Peter Jones (Graa) you are the best grandad we could ask for! No job is too big or too small, you are the most reliable honouree employee and my favourite person in the entire world! Sorry for covering your house in polystyrene! My mum (Joanne) thank you so much for your countless hours (and lack of breaks) no matter how much we bicker you are my biggest cheerleader and you help me everyday! My dad, thanks for helping source suppliers, packaging, customers and always being ready to do a tip run! My aunty for providing the house and aesthetic for our very early images. Also for making sure the quality controls are all in place! Alex for liking every single post within about 5 mins of it being online (top fan) Jeni for helping wrap flowers, pack orders and not moan once! Mike for helping with marketing and website design! Without all of these people this business would not exist! It takes a family to run it!

This business wouldn’t exist without our loyal customers. Thank you so much, I can’t put into words how grateful I am to you all! It means the world that you trust us and come back to buy from us time and time again.

When I first started this business I tried to read loads of different business books but nothing prepares you for how to deal with running a business. From sourcing suppliers, finding packaging, marketing, accounting, customer service and so many more things there is no book that will give you a road map with how to deal with every situation (I must admit I naively thought this would be really easy) Every day presents a different challenge and instead of being scared of it, I actually enjoy working through it and finding solutions. I guess you could say this business has helped me find myself (sorry I know it’s cheesy), I feel like I’ve got a purpose and can work though most problems (sorry Jack you’ll always be my sounding board no matter how small the problem!)

My goal has changed from it just being to quit my full time job! Although I might not be quite ready to do that, I know I’m on the right path! Here’s to another year, cheers!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, I hope my little journey might inspire you!

Lots of love

Sophie xxx


Cathryn smith
Cathryn smith

Absolutely love shopping with you , it’s so important to support small businesses, great prices & very professional service. I can honestly say your website stopped me going mad in lockdown x

Julie Pearson
Julie Pearson

I ordered two throws and two trays from ivy grey, both of which I received very quickly. They are absolutely lovely and I am very pleased. They were wrapped and packaged with great care. Will definitely order more products in the future . Would thoroughly recommend them . Big thanks to Ivy Grey.

Alex Eaton
Alex Eaton

So proud of you and everything you have achieved over the last two years! You have worked so hard over the last few months especially and with the help of mum and Graa you are building something very special. Lots of love, Alex xxx


Aww happy birthday ivy grey! Well done soph and team you have done so well xxx

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