So we’ve got through the first week and a bit of January! It’s a struggle this month isn’t it?! I find it’s a month that can either make you feel really optimistic and positive or negative and a bit down (probably the latter for most people!). I can’t believe how quickly time seems to fly by, it only seems like last week I was singing The Spice Girls and covering everyone in party poppers at my Nan and Grandad's Millennium party! Wow I’m getting old!
I bet by now you’re all sick of reading people’s ‘New Year, New Me’ rubbish! I am and most of the time I’m one of those people repeating the mantra ‘this year will be my year’, ‘I’m going to lose 2 stone’, ‘I’m going to run a marathon!’ Blah blah blah! We all do it! We set ourselves these completely unrealistic goals and most of the time we know we aren’t going to achieve them!
This year for once I’ve actually not done any of it! I don’t want to start the year with a completely unrealistic hope I’m going to achieve the things I’ve told myself I should be able to! (Run a marathon - I went for a run with my dad last weekend and I couldn’t keep up and that’s after he’d spent 3 hours in the gym! He’s a bit of a fitness fanatic, sadly I didn’t get those genes!)
So instead I’ve decided I will try and make small changes that are achievable. For example I want to lose a bit of weight - I’m trying to make smarter choices when I eat and going to the gym a bit more (well
I stopped after my holiday last year, so once a week is an improvement!). I did have a goal years ago to run a marathon before I’m 30 (it’s creeping up!) however that’s probably completely unrealistic this year, but I do love running (it clears my mind, really helps my mental health and does make me feel good about myself) so I’m trying to go out once a week!
Hopefully by actively trying to make smaller realistic goals I can be more positive and have a better outlook on life and the year ahead! Life’s too short to be miserable and beating ourselves up about not being perfect. So if I fancy a bar of chocolate or a glass of wine I’ll have one and not feel guilty!
Has anyone set themselves any New Years resolutions? Is anyone trying anything new this year? I’d love know!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Speak soon
Sophie x
1 comment
Wow Sophie you are a very inspiring lady, my goal is to find myself and 2 girls a lovely home to live in and make it our own, I’m loving you shabby chiq products, when I find a home I can picture a few of your items that will fit perfectly in our home xx