Taking a Chance!

Taking a chance! 

Starting a new business is almost like starting again. There are a million new things to learn and a million new problems you encounter. I’m currently balancing a full time job, new business and on going house renovations. So why take on something else, is this the right time? Well is any time the right time to start something new? Running my own business is something I’ve always wanted to do, I love everything about it from the marketing to the finances. In such a short time I’ve learnt so many new skills from liaising with suppliers, managing inventory, organising postage and packaging. I used to think people were being a bit dramatic when they said it took them two days to get a product on a website, but there’s a lot more goes into it than I ever thought. 

It hasn’t all been plain sailing it keeps me up at night wondering if I’ve done the right thing or whether I should have done more market research before I started. I’m forever looking at the site and changing something slightly (I’ve driven everyone mad asking them to check things for me!). However it’s the most satisfying thing when someone sends me a comment saying they love their purchase. I never expected any one to actually even buy anything so to start getting feedback telling me they like someone I’ve picked, styled and marketed to them mean everything to me. 

I know starting a business is a rocky road and you have really good days and some days when you feel like throwing the towel in, but it’s all worth it and I can’t wait to see where we can take Ivy Grey Interiors too! 

Hope you all have a lovely week! 

Thanks for reading! 

Sophie x

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